Wednesday, 10 August 2011

SEXTING - The next Chapter

Many of u have been sending in ur thoughts about the SEXTING scenes and interacting with our online blog and videos but it's time to move on and think about what happens next. Visit our online blog to leave ur comments and help us decide how to develop the story and characters - shld we bring in new characters? What happens to the current characters? Have ur say on

SXTO - Datblygu'r olygfa nesaf

Mae llwyth ohonnoch chi wedi bod yn yamteb i'r blog SXTO rhyngweithiol ac yn dadlau am y golygfeydd a bai pwy yw hi bod llun Lowri yn ei bra ar Facebook - ond beth yw'r cam nesaf? Beth ddylai ddigwydd nesaf? Ryden ni angen eich sylwadau chi er mwyn parhau'r stori a datblygu'r olygfa nesaf - ewch i i gyfrannu